Displaying 2 results

  • White truffle butter

    10,71 - 48,09

    Specialties based on butter and white truffle. It is ideal as a condiment for croutons and fillings for appetizers, first and second courses, omelettes and in any case as a base for all dishes with truffles.

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  • Gluten-free cream and Bianchetto truffle-based cream 170 gr


    The Cream and Bianchetto Truffle Cream is a perfect mix of Parmesan and truffle. A superb taste of the most important of cheeses, enriched with the scent of truffles. A high quality ingredient of Italian cuisine. A simple but precious recipe, creamy and ideal for use in various preparations: sauce for pasta or condiment for rice, filling for filled pasta, perfect for spreading on toasted bread. A smart and elegant touch on your table!

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